Forever in our hearts



Smokie came to us through the SPCA starved and near death. With love and a re-feeding “starvation” diet, Smokie began to get stronger and surpassed the estimated two-three weeks he was given. From there, he became quite a character here at SJHR. He was a kind soul that never let anything get him down. He had severe lordosis (sway back) but that did not stop him from enjoying a romp with his fellow paddock mates. Smokie always had a ‘wiser beyond his years’ look and the most handsome mustache we had ever seen! His favourite food was sweet potatoes that were baked especially for him by his best human friend, Linda. He took great pride in standing at the feed gate, eyeing you if you did not mix fast enough and made comical “motor boat” hungry noises. Smokie is forever missed here at SJHR and it is not the same without him.



Lorelei was surrendered to us when her owner could no longer take care of her COPD. When she arrived, her first order of business was luring another horse into the fence to get zapped, thus earning her the name Lorelei. Lorelei had quite the personality and could be a “chestnut mare” (nicknamed The Waremare) at times, but she had a heart of gold. She loved to greet new volunteers and would ask to be brushed for hours on end. She also had a very special ability to make nervous or frightened horses that newly came in, feel at home. She would bond with them and take them under her wing. Lorelei loved getting baths and especially loved getting treats. Her favourite was mango and would drool from them. Lorelei is forever in our hearts and greatly missed.



Eridan came to SJHR after being abandoned at a boarding facility. He was suffering from Leptospirosis, which was promptly treated. Unfortunately, the condition had been long on-going before his arrival at the rescue, that he was slowly losing his vision. On top of that, Eridan also suffered from cancer; a growth on his neck that wrapped around his neck vertebrae making it inoperable. However, that did not stop him from being his playful self. Eridan was quite the unique horse, both in coat colour and personality. He loved to pick things up, may it be a manure rake, a ball, a hose, etc. and play with it. He used to beg with his hoof for treats and was able to count to three. As he totally lost his vision, he was given a special paddock that he shared with his best friend, Yuki, for his safety. Eridan did not let his blindness affect him negatively and taught people that having a disability did not stop him from being his goofy self. He even had his own Facebook page, where there would be posts of his outfits for holidays and about his daily life. Eridan was a special horse and is deeply missed by all those who knew him. He touched people’s hearts and the rescue will never be the same without him.

Jesse came to South Jersey Horse Rescue in April of 2024. He was rescued from a horrible situation which also housed an emu and 15 feral cats. He was severely underweight and suffered from badly neglected hooves. Once he arrived, we were able to provide emergency farrier care and dental work. We were able to get his weight back up with a closely monitored feeding schedule multiple times a day. We think that Jesse is in his late 20s or early 30s. He has been diagnosed with Cushing’s. Jesse is described by staff as a gentle, kind, and sensitive guy. He enjoys a laid back life and is not dominant in the field with his friends.